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Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Like Ike.

The American economy is tied so deeply to real estate. Evidence of this can be seen in our founding documents and history, as well as most current case law and legislation. While religious freedom was the prime motivating factor of the pilgrims in coming to the New World, the dominant theme of the Americas was the search for land. Land ownership was so rare and coveted in our European fatherlands, that it became part of our heritage. Americans love the idea of owning a place we can call our own.

Growing up, I remember my own parents' dream of owning a home. It always seemed just out of reach. Fast forward a few years and you have the housing boom of the last 2 decades. Two presidents and our congressional leaders dreamed of the votes they would garner by easing the standards and getting more Americans into their own home. I applaud the sentiment of expanded home-ownership, but there was a real cost for those policies. Today, we're seeing those costs played out in higher foreclosure rates, and newer, tighter mortgage requirements. It's now harder to get a home loan than before the mess began. Don't despair. I have good news and it involves you.

The first thing I want to tell you is that it is very possible to get a mortgage in today's market. It's more difficult than 5 years ago sure, but it can, and is being done by regular folks like us everyday. We have some great people right here in Artesia who want nothing more than to get you a mortgage and see you move into a new home. I am one of them, but there are others who can guide you through the process of a mortgage every step of the way. Two of my favorites are Amelia Smith at First American Bank, and Brent Kingsley of Washington Federal. Both of them are dedicated to helping people and it shows in their work.
The second thing I want you to know is that mortgage rates are now at their lowest point since
  was a popular campaign slogan. Today's mortgage rates are not just low, they are historically, uncommonly, incredibly low. This is going to sound like a sales slogan, but it's true – There has NEVER been a better time to purchase a home than right now. So those of you who have been sitting on the sideline waiting for the “right time.” It is now. Let's fulfill that dream of your first home, your better home, your bigger home. This is what I do people, and I want to do it for you.

Scott Takacs – All Real Estate, All the Time.

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