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Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'll be home for Christmas

Life is really short. I was reminded of that this week, and also the importance of family and friends during our short lives. It is so easy to get too busy being busy, and before you know it years have elapsed and dear people in our lives are now distant. I am pledging to myself to reconnect with family and friends I have allowed to drift, and to renew relationships which have gone fallow. I love being a real estate professional, and I love the opportunity Artesia's market provides me, but my priorities must be reexamined.

Christmas is a slow time for Realtors. Unless folks are in the middle of the buying or selling process, they generally aren't thinking about looking at houses or getting theirs ready to sell. We are thinking about Christmas plays at school, and office parties, and the food we will make and the family who may be traveling in or our travel plans to somewhere else. As Realtors, we normally dread the slow-down that happens this time of year, but I am thankful for it this year. Less demands from work allow us to focus more on family and I, for one, have been able to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. In past years, the holidays came and went before I had time to really taste the turkey. It is nice to be able to slow down a bit to feel the season wash over me and envelop me. I have Christmas spirit this year, and it feels great.

So, while I still spend much of my time thinking and about Artesia Real Estate and the market conditions that drive it, I am going to be intentional about leaving the laptop in its case while at home, and turning off the smartphone to be fully engaged in family and events of the season.

That said, I still have a living to make, and if you need advice or help selling or buying a home – I would love to be your Realtor. Call me - but lets wait until after Christmas to really start working on it and enjoy some time with our loved ones.

Scott Takacs: All Real Estate, All the Time (Except Christmas)

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